The Student Counseling Section is a counseling service for students throughout the university (undergraduate and graduate students). We deal with requests for advice from all students concerning student life and learning. Our counselors are specialized teachers who are qualified clinical psychologists and we give the utmost consideration to ensuring the privacy of those who seek our advice. International students can also receive counseling, as we have counselors who can speak other languages (English and Chinese). If necessary, we can refer queries concerning matters specific to each school and graduate school (such as how to take a course, how to study, and future career paths) to an advisor at the relevant school or graduate school.
We deal with a variety of issues, including the following.
The staff of the Student Counseling Section consists of faculty members/counselors who are qualified clinical psychologists (counselors) and advisors from each school and graduate school, whom you can consult about your studies/research or career path in your specialized field.