Center for Health Sciences and CounselingKYUSHU UNIVERSITY

Division of Health Promotion and Development


Our Mission:

The Section of Health Promotion and Information works to promote both physical and mental health as well as disease prevention. The two main components of our mission are: (1) providing support for the maintenance and improvement of physical and mental health among students, faculty members, and staff; and (2) providing students, faculty members, and staff with various types of health-related information acquired from education and research activities.


Our Services

(1) Our Section identifies lifestyle factors and mental health issues that can either impede or promote learning by students. We are also creating an archive of basic health-related information and building a support system to prevent issues before they can negatively affect students’ ability to study (surveys and research).

We carry out surveys to find out more about students’ lifestyles, mental health, and study situations in addition to analyzing and evaluating the results. Data analysis covers both Japanese students and international students. Some analysis results are used to provide health-related education, and information is also disseminated through our website.
Information for students’ parents and guardians (link to more information about our surveys)

(2) Providing support through physical exercise and relaxation

We provide support in the form of physical exercise and relaxation classes for both individuals and groups to improve mental health and prevent severe fatigue.

(3) Analysis and dissemination of health-related data and utilizing this data to provide support

We provide information for health education.

(4) Development of programs to support health

We plan and evaluate programs including initiatives to increase physical activity and programs to improve lifestyles and mental health. Other activities include the development of electronic teaching materials.


Staff and Researcher Information

  • Dr. Hiro Kishimoto (Associate Professor: Epidemiology) Researcher Information
  • Ms. Shigemi Takayanagi (Lecturer: Health Psychology, Sports Psychology) Researcher Information
  • Dr. Hisae Matsuo (Concurrent Post, Professor: Certified Public Psychologist/Clinical Psychology/Mental Health Social worker) Researcher Information
  • Dr. Yoshinori Masaki (Concurrent Post, Associate Professor: Health Science, Internal Medicine Specialist) Researcher Information
  • Dr. Tomoko Matsushita (Concurrent Post, Associate Professor: Clinical Psychology/Clinical Psychologist)/Clinical Psychologist) Researcher Information
  • Dr. Susumu Yokota (Concurrent Post, Associate Professor: Study of developmental disabilities, cognitive neuroscience/Researcher qualification for ADI-R, ADOS-2 clinical qualification) Researcher Information

Research Achievement

Please see each Researcher Information link for more details.

Vision for the Future

We aim to build a support system and become an organization that continuously disseminates information so that students, faculty members, and staff can form good habits to improve their physical and mental health and prevent disease.

Programs, Group Activities

The following is an overview of the programs and group activities implemented by the Section of Health Promotion and Information. Regular updates will be posted on the “What’s New” section of our website.

Communicating information to achieve better health

We provide useful information to help students, faculty members, and staff achieve better physical and mental health and prevent diseases (declining mental health is a particular concern.)
(Click on the links below to access PDF versions of each paper.)


Effective relaxation techniques for self-care and exercise videos

We have videos about effective self-care techniques available on YouTube and Google Drive, etc.
(Click on the links below to visit the websites hosting the videos.)

Light exercise classes

We provide individual and group instruction in stretching and light physical exercise for students, faculty members, and staff. Participants learn various techniques and skills to help them improve their health.

Body mindfulness seminars

We provide individual or group instruction in body mindfulness and bodywork techniques to students, faculty members, and staff on request. Bodywork helps participants to be more mindful of their body to experience a deeper sense of relaxation. Contact the Section of Health Promotion and Information